Friday, April 30, 2010

Deprivation is Now our Present.

Source: Source:

Never in a million years did I think that grocery stores were going to be out of bananas and mandarin oranges! How is that possible? I've been a local since I first arrived to the city and I definitely had not seen this. What a shocker to see empty boxes when they used to be flooding filled with fresh fruit. When you could just actually pick the ones you wanted, the sweet in season produce. Bananas that were plum and firm and not over ripened. Picking and choosing, yeah, well that's a thing of the past! Now, everyone is out of control, running to find scraps and leftovers. No one is well-behaved and composed, they are wild and just plain mean! Manners no more. I guess necessity has brought us to this. Any fruit that is available is taken. Even if it is not fresh, seasonal produce. Since the fruit is shipped from all over, it makes it hard to have fresh fruit every time. Waste is no longer done this time of day.

Who knew? Most things we buy are shipped from around the country and even the world. I guess that is the reason why the bananas I crave so much are hard to find. They come from Guatemala! Yeah, you heard right, the country. Well of course that is the root of the problem. Greater distances mean more oil use! Obviously with this oil shortage, food shortage had to connect somehow. Now the only solution is to support local farmers' markets instead of consuming frankenfoods. Those that are genetically modified. Going organic brings greater pros. It is better for our health and our pocket! Investing more in farmers' markets and local gardens will help us reduce and hopefully put an end to this crisis called a food shortage. Let us have local organic and natural foods - preservative and chemical free!


Not Services, Too!

Oil shortage has brought nothing good upon us! Everything is so limited and shortage still continues. It is affecting the way we live our everyday life. Having to drive shorter distances and sometimes not drive at all is horrifying. I can only take long distance drives when I MUST run my errands. I have already said my farewell to my every so often relaxing getaways. All I have left is hope for improvement. Sometimes I think how possibly can this situation get any worse? Well, it sure can and it just did. Flights have been cancelled! Christmas break is next week and I must get there on time for all the celebrations! Never in my life have I missed Christmas with family but by the looks of it, things can change. The little hope I still have left is diminishing by everyday that passes. I guess it comes to no surprise that oil shortage had to connect to EVERYTHING. Airplanes need fuel and fuel comes from oil. I will have no other choice left but to drive. That is two full state away! I probably should start thinking about getting new gifts since the money I was going to spend on their decent gifts is going to go for gas. Also, everything that I expected to buy for the trip has gone out the window. Scratch those new cute pair of pants and blouses at the mall from the list. Even products that are a necessary like mouth wash and floss will not be bought. I will have to be content with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Hopefully I will not have to cut back on other needs but if I have to I probably will. I will do everying in my hands to visit my family. Even writing this is costing me money and oil, I guess I should start saving now.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Demand and Supply

Prior to today, I was oblivious to the interaction between supply and demand. As I took a quiz today, it was a revalation to know that even if I wanted oil for my everyday use, I would not get it. That simple. Goods and services are only given when there is demand. Demand will not be coming from my part any time soon because I must first possess sufficient wealth or income. As a full time student all I have going for me are endless expenses. My income can only go so far and it will not increase any time soon. Meaning I have no other choice but to cope with limited everything! I must now purchase other goods that still satisfy my needs but are not the 'ideal' ones. However, I must also depend on supply. Sellers only take action when they are willing and able to supply goods. I, as a buyer compared to a seller do not always think alike. When prices increase I get discouraged to purchasde but a seller's willingness and ability to offer goods increases. Complicated, right? However, the interaction between both was made clear. The solution that both need to control the market will be to have equilibrium. The quantity demanded must be equal to the quantity supplied. PHEW, whoever said knowledge could solve problems should be questioned. Living with shortage of oil is just plain complicated! Really.
Source: Tree Hugger

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

This morning on my way to school, the news reporter informed everyone that we are using oil at an alarming rate. Petroleum is practically used in everything and shortage was ineviteble. I really depend on oil especially on my way to school everyday. From the minute I get up to brush my teeth to my transportation to get there. As I think about how much I utilize it in my everyday life, it astonishes me. Ive been using petroleum since I was a child. So just the thought of me, one person in this world and everyone else using petroleum is a scary idea. We are all to dependant and we need to find different ways to use it less. If not we will be left with nothing!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Soapless, really?

Having no soap when I wash my hands, shower or clean my clothes is horrible. Soap is what keeps me clean and comfortable. Hygiene is very important and being surrounded by other people is extremely uncomfortable. The sensation of being filthy repulses me, especially after coming from a long day at school. I no longer want to do anything the smell that surrounds me has kept me from getting out of bed today. The thought of becoming infecting with H1N1 is a great fear. I will not continue with my life it is too sickening if this crisis does not improve. Something needs to be done!