Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

This morning on my way to school, the news reporter informed everyone that we are using oil at an alarming rate. Petroleum is practically used in everything and shortage was ineviteble. I really depend on oil especially on my way to school everyday. From the minute I get up to brush my teeth to my transportation to get there. As I think about how much I utilize it in my everyday life, it astonishes me. Ive been using petroleum since I was a child. So just the thought of me, one person in this world and everyone else using petroleum is a scary idea. We are all to dependant and we need to find different ways to use it less. If not we will be left with nothing!


1 comment:

  1. YES! we depend so much on oil that there is an oil shortage. What to do? basically nothing petroleum is used in EVERYTHING its just crazy. Maybe we can reduce the things we use in our daily lives that use petroleum that way we can use less of it? =/ I don't know it's like impossible to stop using it. OMG it is true imaging how many people use petroleum daily, I liked the fact how you put that out there. I was just thinking of myself, selfish of me.
