Friday, April 30, 2010

Not Services, Too!

Oil shortage has brought nothing good upon us! Everything is so limited and shortage still continues. It is affecting the way we live our everyday life. Having to drive shorter distances and sometimes not drive at all is horrifying. I can only take long distance drives when I MUST run my errands. I have already said my farewell to my every so often relaxing getaways. All I have left is hope for improvement. Sometimes I think how possibly can this situation get any worse? Well, it sure can and it just did. Flights have been cancelled! Christmas break is next week and I must get there on time for all the celebrations! Never in my life have I missed Christmas with family but by the looks of it, things can change. The little hope I still have left is diminishing by everyday that passes. I guess it comes to no surprise that oil shortage had to connect to EVERYTHING. Airplanes need fuel and fuel comes from oil. I will have no other choice left but to drive. That is two full state away! I probably should start thinking about getting new gifts since the money I was going to spend on their decent gifts is going to go for gas. Also, everything that I expected to buy for the trip has gone out the window. Scratch those new cute pair of pants and blouses at the mall from the list. Even products that are a necessary like mouth wash and floss will not be bought. I will have to be content with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Hopefully I will not have to cut back on other needs but if I have to I probably will. I will do everying in my hands to visit my family. Even writing this is costing me money and oil, I guess I should start saving now.

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